31 August 2009

oh but plans can fall through as so often they do

well...here i am stuck in salt lake. i was supposed to be off finding fossils today with my cousin, but his car broke down and he has had to rewrite a report for work. so i'm pretty bored until thursday. i'm staying at his mom's house and am trying to help her with a bunch of genealogy stuff and also trying to keep from being bored out of my mind. i did at least make it up to logan to get my bike, and i had the presence of thought to bring my bike shoes (no helmet or gloves though) so once i get some air in the tires i'll probably try to head up city creek canyon. jeff says there are some decent trails up there. if i'm honest i'm a little worried about riding up the canyon though...i haven't been biking in about 6 months. i get a pretty good workout at work...lots of lifting and carrying and dragging and pulling myself up trees...but it isn't really the sustained cardiovascular workout you get from running or riding a bike. but we'll see how it goes. plus the weather is nice and cool for the next couple of days.

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